Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
Come as you are and feel free to come dressed casually.
What time should I arrive? What should I expect when I arrive?
Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30am. Prior to service, many participate in fellowship complete with complimentary coffee and treats. Upon entering, first time visitors will be welcomed by a Dick Taylor Chocolate and encouraged to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. Our service generally begins with music from our worship team, and concludes around noon.
Is there a children’s program or nursery?
Absolutely! We have a fantastic childrens church service that takes place during general service for school-age children. Our staffed nursery is open as well complete with TV for parents to continue watching worship, nursing and changing areas, toys, blankets and snacks.
Am I expected to participate in communion or offerings (tithes?)
Newcomers are welcomed to participate in all activities of our church service.
Have other questions about attending our service? Please email us!